Sunday, February 28, 2010

First Day Of Home Learning

"Wake up! Look at the time now!" . That was the first thing I heard when woke up, it was my mom looking at me and pointing her finger at the clock. I raise my head , uncovered the blanket and I looked at the clock. It was already 8.45 am! I got out of bed and ,without even brushing my teeth, turned on the computer and logged on to the SMB homelearning board. However, I could not log in and I asked my friend about the websites of each subject and started doing my work.
First was chinese, one of the hardest, the chinese words on the websites were very profound and it took me a long time to read the whole passage. We had to answer some question and I did that in a few minutes. Second, I did math. The assignment took a long time to be uploaded but i still completed it on time. Next was science, we started on a new topic and it was rather interesting. Lastly in was history group work. We did it fast and good and finished all our homework.
Overall, the homelearning was interesting and I had a lot of fun learning new stuff.

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