Monday, February 16, 2009

Little Ironies-Adeline Ng Ai Choo

I would like to comment about Adeline Ng Ai Choo , a character from the book Little Ironies. Adeline Ng Ai Choo was a student in a school who had too much stress and decided to commit suicide. Her parents wanted her to pass very badly as they were afraid their friends or relative would look down on them. She was also a very timid child and was very evasive, not wanting to tell anybody anything.

The last few paragraphs was an extract of her own diary. From that, we can see that she really wanted to pass as if she did not , she mentioned that her father would be the laughing stock of his friends. I think she should have told her parents her failure was due to the lack of effort and she had too much stress. Adeline approached the teacher after receiving her marks and requested for an addition of marks but was rejected and chose live over death.

She was running away from reality as she was afraid that her parents would be looked down on by friends and relatives if she did not pass. This proved that the parents were ineffective as they had fear of perceptions rather than concern about their child.

In my point of view, I feel that Adeline could have been stronger and not chose death over live.

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